Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Come an' knock on my ddooooooorrr"

Hey folks, figured id drop in and just acknowledge that we have a pulse. Just want to let you all, we appreciate the continues support even though we havent had much to offer of the course of these recent months. We have been hard at work on the record, which pretty much took this whole year to work on (off and on from touring). We didnt want this thing to be a "Chinese Democracy II", but we promise you won't be dissapointed with the end product... and trust me, my words stronger then Axls. That guy dropped the ball like 12 years ago. Anyways, I digress...

We have some touring plans in the works, nothing to major, but trying to get out there to you all to experience the new material live before the records release. We will be announcing dates and areas soon. There will definetly be alot more regional love as it seems that we have neglected you for a little bit and we apologize. We will make it up to you my little booboos.

We have some bigger dates to announce soon too, of the fest persuasion. So look out for that.

Also, we've noticed alot of bands these days have all forms of media and networking going on at the same time (i.e. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc).

We do as well, but we're trying something a bit different. If you befriend us on ANY of our pages, we're making it a point to give you EXCLUSIVE material. Exclusive pics, videos of funny shit, interviews, maybe that page will get their OWN track off the new record. Ya never know. but I suggest you follow us on all th aformetioned pages, cause we're making it a point to put them to use and give ALOT to the people who have supportd us for so long.

So the links are below, enjoy. Pass them to your friends. New merch on the way as well as well as music samples.

Anyways, we love yous guys.


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